Neck & neck with 3 games to go

It's closer at the top than it usual is at this stage, and the top 8 all have a chance of taking the title, particularly if players in the top three or four positions have a bad run this evening.

Watch this space for news of a forthcoming event at the pavilion. The theme will be 60s Las Vegas Lounge - cheesy choons and sleazy suits. One Saturday in April looks likely.

This is actually part of the rules of poker rather than etiquette:
State your intentions

A player must state their intentions (call, raise) before placing chips in front of them. If a player does not state raise, any single chip placed by a player will be an assumed call and the dealer will return the change. Multiple chips placed by a player will be an assumed raise for the total amount placed out. All chips must be placed in one motion to prevent 'string betting' where players keep adding chips one at a time to see other players' reactions.

All chips must remain visible and on the table at all times unless you are moving to a new table. A player's highest chip denomination must be visible to all players at all times.