Tables clear out & New Players Limit

See for more details. Please note that 'Table D' has gone.

The tables are currently making my office look untidy and I'd like to get shot of them as soon as possible, which means they're heading for the tip if no-one takes them in the next couple of weeks.

The average attendance at The White Horse since the Summer Season started in early April, is 21 players per tournament which is a significant increase on the last couple of years.

This Tuesday, May 6, saw 26 players turn up wanting to take part, just one short of the all-time record. More than 20 players wanting to play can cause a couple of problems, one legal and the other logistical.

As most players will know, the legal stake limit is £5 per player, and £100 per day is the most that can be given out in prizes. So, if more than 20 people play we either have to reduce the stake per player or allocate some of the pot to something other that winnings. (I haven't found any advice regarding this scenario on any Government or Gambling Commission websites). So far, when this has happened I've have given the extra £5 or £10 to one of the winning players on the understanding that they donate it to a charity of their choice. However, if 20+ is going to become the norm, then we'll probably have to reduce the stake to between £4.10 and £4.70 per player.

Having to give fiddly amounts of change out is not something I particularly want to get into, but the law's the law.

On a more practical level, a large numbers of players creates a demand for seats that can leave the restaurant side of the pub with a shortage, as well as causing the game to run for a lot longer than the blinds structure is designed for.

On balance, a limit of 24 players seems to be a sensible solution. It allows 3 tables with up to 8 players per table. On the negative side, it might put people off from coming if they're running late and think there might not be a seat. On the plus side, though, it might encourage people to stop leaving it to the last minute to turn up, which has always made life difficult fo TDs.